2019 ConTex Call for Proposals


UT System-CONACYT Collaborative Research Grants

 Deadline to Submit Proposals: February 15, 2019



On June 21, 2016, the University of Texas System and Mexico’s National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) signed a Cooperation Agreement to establish the ConTex Program to administer cooperative bi-national academic and research activities for the mutual benefit of the United States and Mexico as neighbors and partners. ConTex launched its first call for proposals for Collaborative Research Grants in November 2016, and continues offering this program on an annual basis.

Objectives and Scope

We are pleased to announce the 2019 Collaborative Research Grants Call for Proposals. Its primary objective is to provide seed funding for internationally competitive and innovative collaborative projects between researchers from UT System and Mexican institutions. The projects should allow the pursuit of shared research interests and show the potential to leverage additional extramural funding in order to create permanent ties between UT System and Mexican institutions.

ConTex welcomes proposals related to the themes listed below from across UT System and Mexican institutions. Interdisciplinary and multi-institutional collaborations are encouraged. Student involvement and capacity building is also encouraged.

Environmental sciences – water management, exploitation of the oceans, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience related to natural and man-made disasters, exploitation and protection of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Sciences – astronomy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, geosciences.

Sustainable development – food production, consolidation of institutions, urban development, public policy. Technology development – automation and robotics, biotechnology, genetics, advanced materials, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, information technology, cyber security, cloud computing, data analytics, value added engineering, manufacturing.

Energy – sustainable energy consumption, development of renewable and clean energies, oil exploration, extraction and use.

Health – human behavior and addiction prevention, emerging diseases and impact, preventative medicine and health care, bioengineering, chronic diseases and conditions.

Social sciences – poverty reduction and food security, economics, social and digital/virtual economics, migration and communities, risk prevention, security, sociology, psychology.

Humanities – anthropology, archeology, classics, communications, cultural, ethnic, and gender studies, history, law and politics, linguistics and languages, literature, philosophy, religion, performing arts, visual arts.

Education – instruction and pedagogy in all subject areas, special education, education administration.





En atención al Programa de Racionalidad Presupuestal 2019 publicado en Gaceta UNAM el 14 de enero del presente año, el titular de la Entidad Académica a la cual pertenece el solicitante deberá enviar electrónicamente en formato PDF a esta Coordinación de Servicios de Gestión y Cooperación Académica (CSGCA-CIC), la siguiente documentación: a) respaldo del formato electrónico de CONTEX completamente requisitado, b) solicitud del presupuesto, c)  síntesis curricular de los académicos participantes (máximo 3 páginas), d) cartas de intención firmadas por los académicos participantes, e) plan de trabajo, f) bibliografía relevante, y g) anexos, acompañados con la carta de presentación firmada por el Director de la Entidad, dirigida al Dr. William Henry Lee Alardín, Coordinador de la Investigación Científica, en la fecha límite:   8 DE FEBRERO DE 2019

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Notas importantes

1. La carta de presentación del proyecto y las cartas de intención firmadas por los académicos participantes deberán presentarse en original a la CSGCA,

2. El solicitante deberá resguardar una copia completa de la documentación que conforma la solicitud.

3. Esta CSGCA-CIC entregará por vía electrónica al solicitante la carta de apoyo institucional al Investigador Responsable, debidamente firmado por el Coordinador de la Investigación Científica, como Representante Legal ante el CONACYT, para su anexión a la propuesta que deberá enviarse a través del sistema de CONTEX.


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